Happy Summer!

Hello, choristers!  How’s your first real day of summer?  Did you make it through the last couple of days of school all right?  I thought I’d give you a little update.

My ankle surgery went well.  It is a lot more painful than I thought it would be.  I have to keep it up above my head as much of the day and night as possible.  It gets really boring!!! So I might be posting a bit more than usual!

I call it The Foot.   I should probably call it Foot Bob.  Here it is looking out the window of my living room.

couch foot

And here it is, enjoying some basketball.

Baskeball foot

Pretty exciting, huh?  At least it was a blow-out game for the Warriors!

I did find an exciting video of a choir singing the Kyrie from Mass 8.  Now, after watching this, you will understand why we practice as hard as we do!

Oh, the poor, poor priest.  And it sounds like they were going to do a Gloria, too.  :O

Remember to keep checking the blog!  You can always sing along to the things that are already posted to keep up your vocal skills.  And you can always email me at my school email (your parents will have it), or post  comments here.  Have a good beginning of summer!



One comment on “Happy Summer!

  1. I HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER!!!!to take your mind off that… do you have any good alto and second soprano duets? me and Cate want to do one for the talent show and we cant find one with an alto part that I can do. so if you find one that would be great! I really hope that your foot starts to feel better!

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