Secret question for Feb. 6

Hello Choristers!  Due to the lateness of this post,  I will have the drawing for this question on Friday — however, you have a sub that day.  Ms. Lee will be substituting for me while I attend a music educators convention.  Here is the question:

In the “Ave Maria” video posted below, what does the chorister ask Diane Bish?

Remember to put your answer in the box.  Please, no silly answers.  Have a good night’s rest!   😴

Missa Puerorum — Rheinberger

Hello, Choristers, and the newly added 4th grade Choristers!

If you are interested in listening and learning, here is the Kyrie from the Missa Puerorum by Rheinberger that we worked on today, followed by the Agnus Dei.



Agnus Dei

You may want to turn up the volume, as the organ is really soft.